
Costume Dress


Monday, May 31, 2010

Kimono Indonesia

Kimono IndonesiaKimono Indonesia
Woven silk from cocoons produced Atakas Krikula and Indonesia have more value, even prestigious in Japanese society such as in the city of Kyoto. The reason other than having a different color quality also has a very distinctive spesifi cation compared cocoon types in general. GKR (GKR) Pembayun said krikula pupae grown in Indonesia does have kind of a very spesifi k does not even exist in other countries.

"The type is only found in Indonesia. Interestingly again, the production results from one city compared to other cities also differ. For example Yogyakarta and Wonogiri have differences in color that is yellow or yellowish. And this is really special to make a kimono, "he explained. Gusti Pembayun said, silk is not produced in bulk so it can produce a better quality. "If from the beginning was not mass production. So we create a very specific item because it is more to the home industry and handicraft. Why not create a mass product because ulatnya even more specific and qualified type. This thread is why the target for the kimono, "explained Pembayun.

Royal Silk Foundation Advisor Masato Kuroda revealed, the price of silk fabrics from Indonesia is very expensive even for hundreds of millions. Added, the price for just one kimono fabric can reach up to 1 million yen or Rp120 million. Prices are expensive also considered comparable if they see the production of silk fabric to be very exclusive. The reason is more to this type of silkworm cocoons of wild life in the trees. Specific silkworm production is not done with mulberry breeding system but uses the cashew tree so limited. Moreover, its production was not made in bulk but with a system of handicraft. Further be said, of any fiber content, fabric of silk from cocoons from Indonesia is also easier to absorb sweat compared with silk cocoon in which the production through captive breeding system of mulberry.

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